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Kim Lawrence

author : Kim Lawrence

category : Romance, Romantic Suspense

Though lacking much authentic Welsh blood, Kim Lawrence comes fromEnglish-Irish stock. She was born and brought up in North Wales. Shereturned there when she married, and her sons were both born on Anglesey, anisland off the coast. Though not isolated, Anglesey is a little off thebeaten track, but lively Dublin, which Kim loves, is only a short ferry rideaway. Today they live on the farm her husband was brought up on. Welsh isthe first language of many people in this area and Kim's husband and sonsare all bilingual she is having a lot of fun, not to mention a fewheadaches, trying to learn the language! She is a keen gardener and cook andenjoys running often on the beach, as living on an island the sea is neververy far away. She is usually accompanied by her Jack Russell, Sprout don'task, it's long story!

With small children, the unsocial hours of nursing didn't look attractive soencouraged by a husband who thinks she can do anything she sets her mind to,Kim tried her hand at writing. Always a keen Mills & Boon reader, it seemednatural for her to write a romance novel. In 1995, she published her firstnovels and now she can't imagine doing anything else.


Kim Lawrence Book Series